Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Unusual - Juliana (D and E) Epoxy Jewelry

Stained Glass Pendant
The topic of the day is the epoxy work that Juliana (D and E) did.  This is talked about in Mr DeLizza's book in the 1971-1973 Chapter.  In this chapter he says and I quote: "I also hired a new young designer, Alma Davis, to try and breath some new life into a waning business.  She was suppose to be good with enamel and epoxy.  We bought a baking oven to dry the epoxy.  She worked with the girls in the finishing department and taught them how to dry the epoxy.  She worked with the girls in the finishing department and taught them how to mix the epoxy and pour it into the jewelry and put it into the drying oven.  We made quite a few epoxy pieces that she laid out in sketches and Harry made the necessary models for them."
Epoxy and Plastic Cabochon Butterfly

Big Apple Pendant Necklace
Also in this chapter Mr DeLizza says and I quote: "Harry made models for butterflies which Alma could put epoxy in, with high domed stone for accent." This is speaking of the butterfly on the left.  It was done in many different colors.

Also in this same chapter Mr DeLizza's says and I quote: "At that time the city of New York came up with the name 'Big Apple' for the city.  Apples were everywhere; they became a part of all designs, clothing, and jewelry.  So, of course, we had to come up with a big apple buckle and a big apple pendant.  Alma sketched out a big apple design and Harry made the castings for the epoxy."  The pendant talked about is show here on the right.
Epoxy dots Butterfly brooch/pendant

Kaleidoscope Pendant Page 121
This chapter is just so full of information on the epoxy pieces.  Another quote from that chapter is:"She took our big butterfly and instead of stones put in epoxy dots.

Another design was called the Kaleidoscope pendant and pictured in Mr DeLizza's book on pge 121 and also pictured here.

Epoxy and Plastic Cabochon Pendant

Stained Glass Earrings
There were so many different designs done with this epoxy work that it is impossible to show even a fraction of them.  There are many more shown in my book as well as shown and talked about in Mr DeLizza's book.
Epoxy Abstract Pendant

Next week we will continue with our "Unusual" topic and talk about the strung bead designs that Juliana did.
Epoxy butterfly